• Sicheres Einkaufen (SSL)
  • 30 Jahre Exporterfahrung
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Bedienungstheke / Kühltheke Aichinger Sirius 3 - gebraucht Bedienungstheke / Kühltheke Aichinger Sirius 3...
1.490,00 € * 2.190,00 € *
Bruttopreis: 1.773,10 €

Salatbar Nordcap - GN 4-1-E Pro Sin Salatbar Nordcap - GN 4-1-E Pro Sin - gebraucht
795,00 € * 995,00 € *
Bruttopreis: 946,05 €

Noch 2 Stück auf Lager
Salatbar Nordcap - ISOLA 6 M - helle Platte mit runden Ecken Salatbar Nordcap - ISOLA 6 M - helle Platte mit...
1.995,00 € * 2.995,00 € *
Bruttopreis: 2.374,05 €

Noch 1 Stück auf Lager
Salatbar Nordcap - ISOLA 4 M Salatbar Nordcap - ISOLA 4 M - gebraucht
295,00 € * 595,00 € *
Bruttopreis: 351,05 €

Salatbar Nordcap - ISOLA 4 SS Salatbar Nordcap - ISOLA 4 SS - gebraucht
295,00 € * 595,00 € *
Bruttopreis: 351,05 €

Noch 1 Stück auf Lager

High-quality refrigeration units are an important component for the presentation of goods in the food industry. Easily perishable goods such as salads, fish or meat products must be optimally cooled.

Just ask for the article you require, we will promptly send you a quotation including delivery to your doorstep.
High-quality refrigeration units are an important component for the presentation of goods in the food industry. Easily perishable goods such as salads, fish or meat products must be optimally... mehr erfahren »
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High-quality refrigeration units are an important component for the presentation of goods in the food industry. Easily perishable goods such as salads, fish or meat products must be optimally cooled.

Just ask for the article you require, we will promptly send you a quotation including delivery to your doorstep.
Zuletzt angesehen
  • Sicheres Einkaufen (SSL)
  • 30 Jahre Exporterfahrung
  • Exportpreise individuell anfragen